AO Scan Technology

Increase your health by using frequency and vibrational therapy technology.

Did you know?

“Science has discovered that every cell, tissue, and organ of the body is 98% energy that resonates with a unique frequency and vibration.”
(Brett J. Earl M.D. Psc.D iMD).

AO Scan Technology

AO Scan Technology is based on the works and findings from such scientists as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and many more who were united by their belief and research that everything at its most optimal level is actually an energy, a frequency and/or a vibration.

AO Scan Technology is non-invasive and built with the highest standards. It is certified by the International Theta Advisory Council (ITAC) and an independent audit and testing of this program and product were conducted to ensure the highest quality of wellbeing was being adhered to.

Sound and vibrational therapies are becoming an essential part for those who would like to improve their mental, physical and spiritual self.

There is scientific evidence that suggests frequency healing can treat everything from anxiety, stress & depression to chromic pain & trauma.

40 years ago, Loran Swensen and his wife adopted a son with cerebral palsy. As their son grew, Loran and his wife travelled the world looking for answers to improve his quality of life. Loran met several doctors developing new neuro-therapeutic treatments. The treatments were incredibly helpful and life-changing for their son. This started Loran’s journey with frequency-based treatment.

In 2008, while in China at a tradeshow, Loran came across a digital body scan that used a large transducer headset. He was so impressed with the technology that he acquired the rights to bring it to the United States. Over the next few years, Loran and his team created the first AO Scan™ in 2012. The first AO scanners were large and costly, designed for patient visits.

In a stroke of brilliance, Loran developed AO Scan™ Technology in mobile form, making it accessible to everyone. Mobile scanning began with Inner-Voice, and today is only a fraction of what AO Scan™ Technology can do. Now AO Scan™ Technology is accessible wherever there is an internet connection

It starts with access & finishes with healing!

AO Scan Technology by Solex is an elegant, yet simple-to-use frequency technology based on Tesla, Einstein, and other prominent scientists’ discoveries. It uses delicate bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to communicate with the body.

The AO Scan Technology contains a library of over 170,000 unique Blueprint Frequencies and created a hand-held technology that allows you to compare your personal frequencies to these Blueprints in order to help you achieve homeostasis, the body’s natural state of balance.

What are the differences?


The Inner-Voice technology uses a sound harmonising technique that generates a balancing audio frequency, derived from the voice spectrum, to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supplement frequencies that are lacking.  This Inner Voice scan analyses your 10sec voice recording and provides a report displaying three notes that are over energised and the main octave being suppressed.  The reports created are emailed together with four audio files (MP3) that correspond to each of the balancing octaves outlined as being out of balance.  These files are to be listened to with headphones to assist energetic shifts back to homeostasis.


The Vitals Scan is a complete scan of over 550 blueprint frequencies associates with each bodily function.  The frequencies shown are a concise ‘snapshot’ of the Blueprint Frequencies being produced by the blood, organs, glands and systems of the body for education on lifestyle choices.


The Comprehensive Scan is a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones and chromosomes.  The Scan provides a graphical report that displays variances from blueprint homeostasis using a 1-9 scale.  A follow up frequency optimisation will pick up anything out of range and will generate cancelling frequencies that will help your system restore energetic balance.


MindSync is an affirmation programming tool that delivers affirmations of your own voice through a binaural process. A binaural process is a cognitive process that combines the different auditory information presented to each ear. In MindSync, the auditory differential is 8Hz in each ear; this creates a third message in the centre of the brain that supersedes the subconscious barrier. Although you will find tools that support the practice of affirmations, no other tools can provide the same process and benefits as MindSync. Below, you can learn how to use the module step-by-step and begin elevating your affirmation experience today!


AO Scan Technology runs with ease on most Apple and Android Smartphones or tablets devices you own. Once an individual obtains a monthly AO Scan App subscription. It is very convenient to scan and optimise daily. 

When purchasing a subscription it is important to also add on the specially tuned Bluetooth bone-conduction headset, which improves and facilitates the harmonic vibrational component. For best practice, it is recommended that the bone-conduction headset is used with all in-person scanning. 

The AO Scan technology creates a powerful toolbox that allows you to scan your body and voice for the ideal frequencies of your cells, tissues, and organs, and return them to a state of balance, calm, and toward homeostasis.

These scans are non-invasive and there are no contraindications. Our assessments, optimisations, brain entrainment tones and supplement recommendations are all customised to move the body towards homeostasis.
This is where  healing happens. 

It is recommended to have 2-3 scans to understand trends, patterns or re-occurring imbalances within your body.

Access to the AO Scan App ( is made available to anyone for $149 per month.


What are the benfits?

  • Holistically assists in optimizing your general health. It optimises your physical, emotional and spiritual body and has the capacity in increase the wellbeing and vitality of these areas.

  • While the physical health is important, your emotional wellbeing is just as important, in some cases more important.

    Using the Solex AO technology it can create harmonising frequencies for your mind which helps with stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD and more.

  • Detoxing your body of toxins, parasites and bacteria. These applications are aimed to increase your organ and tissue function within the body.

    By detoxing from the nasties you are giving your organs and body optimal health and regeneration for a healthier, happier you.

  • Homeopathy is one of the highest take home remedies from your AO scan. As well as the physical remedies it can provide, the reports will also give you information on how you can support and optimize the imbalanced frequencies within your environment. These could include suggestion like taking digestive enzymes, certain exercise and even dietary changes.

How Effective Is the SOLEX AO Scanner?

"The future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
Albert Einstein

Most clients say that they can feel the difference immediately! Typical comments are; an overall sense of wellness, feeling rejuvenated and energized. Not only will the SOLEX AO Scanner provide you with an accurate assessment of the imbalanced frequencies in your body, it will also provide you with an immediate optimization treatment, as well as an on-going comprehensive plan of action to maintain optimal functioning of your physical and emotional needs.


When this technology was compared with conventional diagnostic methods of Ultrasound, CT-Scan and MRI, the SOLEX AO Comprehensive Scan showed to be far more accurate:

Healing in your own hand!

The Solex AO scanners and technology is available for you to have in your own home.

This technology is perfect for people who are looking at enhancing their own bodies wellbeing, assisting in the alignment of their mental and physical self.

By having this optimising tool at the ready, you can balance your health daily, understand your body and the environmental factors that impact how your body functions.

By joining the Solex AO team you can also share this experience with others, earn $$ while doing it and create really amazing ways to increase your wellbeing.