Our services.


Intuitive Reiki Healing

This session is a combination of non-invasive complementary therapies using Reiki energy healing, crystal healing, colour therapy and sound healing. While in this session I will be directed to certain messages, areas of importance and given intuitive responses using my guides.

Not all Reiki sessions are the same, you may want to allow some “you” time after your session as some people can feel a little sleepy or spacey.


Distant Reiki Healing

The wonderful world of technology allows Reiki to be given remotely, I was a sceptic too!

However you still achieve the same results by using complementary therapies such as Reiki energy healing, crystal healing, colour therapy and sound healing. In this session I will also allow messages and gifts to be given to me by my guides.

Just like in person not all Reiki sessions are the same, you may experience different sensations or feelings throughout.


Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, which is an alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is transferred to one person from another.

Bio-Resonance AO scanning

Sound and vibrational therapies are becoming an essential part for those who would like to improve their mental, physical and spiritual self.

There is scientific evidence that suggests frequency healing can treat everything from anxiety, stress & depression to chromic pain & trauma.

Using specifically designed technology the Solex AO scanner scans your body for the imbalanced frequencies and then creates harmonising ones to assists with healing and regenerating your body to its optimal health.


Bio- Resonance

“Science has discovered that every cell, tissue, and organ of the body is 98% energy that resonates with a unique frequency and vibration.”
(Brett J. Earl M.D. Psc.D iMD).


This healing modality uses muscle testing to confirm or identify any imbalances and stresses within you body. During a session we will have an open discussion about those stresses and use different healing tools to clear the imbalances.

These session are in depth, open minded and full of “what the heck” moments, you will walk away feeling lighter and aware of where those stresses are coming from as well as a pathway on how you can assist in healing them



Kinesiology is a healing modality that uses muscle testing to find imbalances and stresses in the physical and sub-conscious body.